Dec 19, 2023

Dec 19, 2023

Dec 19, 2023

Dec 19, 2023

How to Use ChatGPT to Speed Up Recruiting: 7 Examples That Will Save You a Ton of Time

How to Use ChatGPT to Speed Up Recruiting: 7 Examples That Will Save You a Ton of Time

How to Use ChatGPT to Speed Up Recruiting: 7 Examples That Will Save You a Ton of Time

How to Use ChatGPT to Speed Up Recruiting: 7 Examples That Will Save You a Ton of Time

Welcome, dedicated talent acquisition enthusiasts! In the ever-evolving world of recruitment, we sometimes encounter challenges that might feel a bit outdated, like the sound of a dial-up modem. But there's good news! With the help of ChatGPT, we're transforming these moments into opportunities for innovation and efficiency. And to add a dash of AI-powered brilliance, let me introduce you to Holly, your new AI recruiter assistant. Think of Holly as ChatGPT with a specialization in recruitment. Curious to see her in action? Discover more about her at Holly Hires AI.

1. Hyper-personalize Outreach

Recruiters, remember the time you tried personalizing an email and ended up with "Dear [First_Name]"? Let's avoid that. With ChatGPT, just feed it your job description and a candidate's profile, and voilà - a personalized message that doesn't sound like a robot wrote it. And guess what? Holly does this en masse. She's like Santa, but for emails.

2. Automatically Answer Common Candidate Questions

"Hey recruiter, how much dough will I make?" Heard that before? ChatGPT can handle these repetitive questions, giving you time to actually drink your coffee while it's still warm. Tools like TextCortex can help more easily integrate this into your workflow. The easiest option is Holly though, with all of this built in.

3. Automatically Check Whether a Candidate Meets the Given Requirements (with Scores!)

Ever feel like you're playing 'Match the Resume'? Just throw the candidate's resume and your requirements into the ChatGPT cauldron, and watch it cook up a score. It's like having a recruitment sous-chef. Here’s an example how we do it in Holly:

4. Come Up with Good Keywords & Alternatives

Keywords are the bread and butter of recruitment. But why settle for "good" when you can have "amazing"? ChatGPT is like your personal thesaurus, but cooler.

5. Find Relevant Companies

"Give me companies like Google but with free snacks." Ask GPT, and you'll get a list faster than you can say "stock options." Plus, you might learn about companies that aren't just buzzwords at a tech meetup. This is especially interesting if you don’t know the space very well yet.

Guess what? Holly does this automatically for you ;)

6. Ask for Feedback on Your Search Query

Not sure if your search query is more confusing than quantum physics? ChatGPT can help you refine it until it's as sharp as your suit on interview day.

7. Draft Job Description

We all know drafting job descriptions is as fun as watching paint dry. ChatGPT can help you draft them, especially if you give it a style you admire. Imagine a job description with the vibe of Google and the charm of Apple.


Recruiters, we hope these tips are as useful as that extra shot of espresso on a Monday morning. And don't forget to give Holly a whirl. She's like your recruitment fairy godmother, and she's just waiting to make your recruitment dreams come true.

Get Holly on your team and 10x the performance of your agency

Do more with less.

Get Holly on your team and 10x the performance of your agency

Do more with less.

Get Holly on your team and 10x the performance of your agency

Do more with less.

Get Holly on your team and 10x the performance of your agency

Do more with less.

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